
Candy, Charles William Albert Augustus (1894 - 1981)

31 March 1894
Creswick, Victoria, Australia
28 December 1981
late of Kiama (formerly of Hawthorn VIC), New South Wales, Australia
Civil engineer and Consulting engineer


Charles Candy CE FIEAust was a notable Victorian consulting civil and hydraulic engineer who specialised in town water, sewerage and drainage schemes from the 1930s to the 1960s. He formed a partnership with A K Sambell in the 1920s, then with Scott & Furphy from 1939 to 1950, before forming his own consulting engineering practice C. W. Candy and Partners in 1959. He is associated with the design of works for many Victorian town water supplies and later their Sewerage schemes.

He was also very active within the engineering profession, and served as Secretary of the Melbourne Division of the Institution of Engineers Australia, and as its national President in 1954-55.


Associated works:
* 1913 Concrete Arch Dam, for Orbost Water Supply;
* 1920 Lakes Entrance Water Supply;
* 1924 - 1926 Consulting engineer, Shire of Traralgon;
* 1925 Subdivisions in Ringwood CA 8-13, 21-26;
* 1927 Phillip Island Holidays Development Pty Ltd. [Sambell, Candy];
* 1929 Portland water supply (bored water supply);
* 1929 Consulting engineer, Shire of Tungamah;
* 1957 Pipeline Bridge, Traralgon Water Works Trust;
* 1968 Cobram Sewerage Authority;
* 1968 Beechworth Sewerage Authority;
* 1968 Mansfield Sewerage Authority.


c. 1912 - 1915
Career position - Served articles [under Munz and Munz, Land Surveyors, civil engineers, water supply engineers] LS, CE, WS
c. 1913 - c. 1939
Career position - Engineer, Sambell and Candy, Consulting engineers
c. 1915 - c. 1918
Career position - Surveyor, rising to Chief Surveyor, Melbourne Harbour Trust
Military service - Applied to enlist, rejected, probably on medical grounds
c. 1918
Career event - Member (MIMEV), Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria
c. 1918 - 1926
Career position - Engineer, surveyor, Sambell consulting engineers
c. 1919
Career event - Granted Certificate of Qualification as Municipal Surveyor (CE), Local Government Act 1903 VIC
Career event - Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia (Transferred from Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria)
1928 -
Career position - Consuting engineer, Shire of Phillip Island
1939 - 1950
Career position - Engineer, Candy Scott & Furphy, sewerage engineers
Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
1942 - 1947
Career position - Member of Council, representative of Melbourne Division, Institution of Engineers Australia
Career position - Honorary Secretary of Council, Institution of Engineers Australia
Career position - Honorary Secretary, Melbourne Division, Institution of Engineers Australia
1954 - 1955
Career position - President of Council, Institution of Engineers Australia
1959 -
Career position - Senior Partner, C. W. Candy and Partners [Consulting engineers, Melbourne]
Career event - Fellow (FIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia [Former Members were designated Fellows on this date.]

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Edited Books

  • Alexander, Joseph A. ed., Who's who in Australia 1950 (Melbourne: Colorgravure Publications, 1950). Page 143. Details

Journal Articles

  • Candy, C. W., 'Presidential Address', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 27 (1955), 95. Details

Newspaper Articles

  • 'Death Notice: Candy, Charles William', The Age (1982), 19. Details


See also

  • Alexander, John A. ed., Who's who in Australia 1944 (Melbourne, Victoria: The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd, 1944), 906 pp. Details

Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260