
Robinson, George Augustus (1791 - 1886)

22 March 1791
London, England
18 October 1886
Bath, England
Builder and Protector of aboriginals


George Augustus Robinson emigrated from England arriving in Hobart in January 1824. From 1829 he was employed by Lieutenant-Governor George Arthur as a conciliator between colonial settlers and the people and communities of Tasmanian First Nations. Following a challenging 10 years, he left for Port Philip (Victoria) to undertake similar work as Chief Protector of Aborigines. This position was abolished on 31 December 1849 and in May 1852 he sailed for London.

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Published resources


Book Sections

Edited Books

  • Plomley, N. J. B. ed., Friendly mission: the Tasmanian journals and papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834 (Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association, 1966), 1074 pp. Details
  • Plomley, N. J. B. ed., Friendly mission: the Tasmanian journals and papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834: supplement (Bellerive, Tas.: Tasmanian Historical Research Association, 1971), 32 pp. Details
  • Plomley, N. J. B. ed., Weep in silence: a history of the Flinders Island Aboriginal settlement, with the Flinders Island journal of George Augustus Robinson, 1835 - 1839 (Sandy Bay, Tas.: Blubberhead Press, 1987), 1034 pp. Details
  • Presland, Gary ed., Riding with Robinson: the field journals of George Augustus Robinson, 9 January 1840 - 11 March 1840 (Forest Hill, Vic.: [Gary Presland], 2022), 169 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Clark, I., 'George Augustus Robinson: his Value as a Resource for Place Names Research', Victorian Historical Journal, 76 (2005), 165-79. Details
  • Clark, Ian D.; Robinson, George Augustus, 'In Quest of the Tribes: G.A. Robinson's Unabridged Report on his 1841 Expedition Among Western Victorian Aboriginal Tribes: Kenyon's 'Condensation' Reconsidered', Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: Anthropology and History, 1 (1) (1990), 97-129. Details
  • Sculthorpe, Gaye, 'The Ethnographic Collection of George Augustus Robinson', Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: Anthropology and History, 1 (1) (1990), 1-95. Details

Gavan McCarthy

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260