
Klug, George Charles (1875 - 1935)

3 March 1875
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
13 July 1935
Chester, England
Company director and Metallurgist


George Klug, MAusIMM MIMM MAmIME ASASM, was a leading mining metallurgist, assayer and company manager, who developed mining and smelting operations at Broken Hill, New South Wales, and Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, between 1895 and 1935. In particular, from 1910, he was the general manager of Bewick Moreing and Company Ltd, a major British mining consultancy that managed many gold mines in Western Australia. Later he was a Director of a number of major listed mining companies. In his early working years, he gained assaying knowledge under George Arthur Goyder, the South Australian Government Analyst.



c. 1880
Education - Central School, Ballarat
c. 1890 - c. 1895
Career position - Assistant, George Arthur Goyder, Government Analyst, South Australia
Education - Diploma Metallurgy, South Australian School of Mines, Adelaide
Career event - Associate, South Australian School of Mines (ASASM)
1895 - 1897
Career position - Chemist and Assayer, Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Broken Hill, New South Wales
1897 - 1900
Career position - Chief chemist, Assayer, Assistant metallurgist, Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Broken Hill, New South Wales
1900 - 1901
Career position - Metallurgist, Golden Horse Estates Co., Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Career event - Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers (MAmIME)
Career event - Member, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MIMM)
1901 - c. 1902
Career position - Resident manager, Fremantle Smelting Works Ltd., Fremantle, Western Australia
c. 1902 - 1905
Career position - General manager, Fremantle Smelter Ltd, Fremantle, Western Australia
c. 1905 -
Career position - Co-examiner, Western Australian School of Mines and Technical Schools
1905 - c. 1908
Career position - General manager, Great Boulder Perseverance Co. Ltd. Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
c. 1906 - 1910
Career position - General manager, Phillips River Gold and Copper Co., Western Australia
Career event - Member, Australian Institute of Mining Engineers (MAusIME)
1910 -
Career position - Superintendent, Great Fingall Consolidated, Daydawn, Western Australia
1910 -
Career position - General Manager, Bewick Moreing and Company
1910 - 1935
Career position - Director, Zinc Corporation Ltd., Melbourne
1910 - 1935
Career position - Director, Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia, Melbourne
Career event - Member, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM)
c. 1920 - 1935
Career position - Director, Gold Mines of Australia Ltd., Melbourne
Career position - Foundation Councillor (Mining and Metallurgy), Australian National Research Council
Life event - Buried Chester, England

Related Corporate Bodies

Related People

Published resources

Edited Books

  • Gibbney, H. J.; and Smith, Ann G. eds, A Biographical register 1788-1939 : notes from the name index of the Australian Dictionary of biography. (2 volumes) (Canberra: Australian Dictionary of Biography, 1987), 429 pp. Details
  • Knox, Errol G. ed., Who's Who in Australia 1935 (Melbourne: Herald and Weekly Times Ltd, 1935), 567 pp. "Klug, George Charles" p.274. Details

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Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260