
Horak, Marianne (1944 - )


Glarus, Switzerland


Marianne Horak is considered one of the world's leading experts on southern hemisphere moths, particularly the family Tortricidae. Her research has also focused on the families Pyralidae, Oecophoridae and Bucculatricidae. She has described many new species and several new genera, including Aglaogonia, Atriscripta and Cnecidophora. Horak was a lepidopterist with the Australian National Insect Collection for over 25 years; she retired in 2010 as Head of the Lepidoptera section and is now an Honorary Fellow at the Collection. She is Chief Editor of the Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera series and played a leading role in establishing the website, Australian Moths Online. In 2016 she founded the Australian Lepidoptera Endowment Fund to facilitate studies of Lepidoptera at Australian National Insect Collection.



1967 - 1969
Career event - Fieldwork in New Zealand
Education - Master of Science (MSc), Federal Institute of Technology(ETH), Zürich, Switzerland
1971 - 1973
Career event - Fieldwork, based in Bulolo, Papua New Guinea
Career event - Joined Australian National Insect Collection
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Federal Institute of Technology(ETH), Zürich Switzerland
1983 - 1985
Career position - Visiting Research Fellow, CSIRO Division of Entomology
1986 - 1988
Career position - Post-doctoral Fellow, CSIRO Division of Entomology
1988 - 1998
Career position - Research Scientist (later Senior Research Scientist), CSIRO Division of Entomology
1998 - 2010
Career position - Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Division of Entomology
2001 - 2010
Career position - Head of the Lepidoptera section, Australian National Insect Collection
2002 -
Career position - Editor-in-Chief, Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera
Award - Inaugural J.O. Westwood Medal, Royal Entomological Society, United Kingdom
2010 -
Career position - Honorary Fellow, Australian National Insect Collection
Career event - Retired
2016 -
Career position - Co-founder and benefactor, The Australian Lepidoptera Research Endowment
Award - Karl Jordan Medal, International Lepidopterists Society
2022 -
Career position - Patron, Moths and Butterflies Australasia Inc.
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to entomology, to taxonomic and phylogenetic research, and to philanthropic endeavours


Published resources


  • Horak, Marianne, Olethreutine moths of Australia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO, 2006), 522 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Braby, M. F., Edwards, E. D. and Horak, M., 'Obituary. John Michael Landy AC MBE, 12 April 1930 - 24 February 2022', Moths and Butterflies Australasia Inc. newsletter, 2 (2022), 19-22. Details
  • Edwards, Ted and Horak, Marianne, 'John Landy's moth collection donated to ANIC', ANICdotes 10:4-5, 10 (2017), 4-5. Details
  • Horak, M., Day, M. F., Barlow, C., Edwards, E. D., Su, Y. N. and Cameron, S. L., 'Systematics and biology of the iconic Australian scribbly gum moths Ogmograptis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) and their unique insect-plant interaction', Invertebrate systematics, 26 (4) (2012), 357-98. Details
  • Horak, Marianne, 'Member of the Order of Australia for Ted Edwards', ANICdotes, 1 (2012), 4. Details
  • Horak, Marianne, 'Tribute to Ted Edwards (1945 - 2023)', ANICdotes, 23 (2023), 5-6. Details
  • Horak, Marianne and Brady, Michael, 'Edward David (Ted) Edwards AM 12 October 1945 - 7 August 2023', Myrmecia, 60 (2) (2024), 8-12. Details

Resource Sections

Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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