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John Madsen Medal (1976 - )

Institution of Engineers Australia



The John Madsen Medal is awarded for the best paper written by a current member of Engineers Australia, and published in The Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

The award consists of a medal and a certificate, normally presented at an event of the Division to which the member belongs, during the year after the paper was published.

This medal replaced the Electrical Engineering Prize (1954-1975) originally known as the Electrical Association Premium (1927-1954), as it was funded by a donation made by the Electrical Association of Australia, one of the Foundation Societies of the Institution. The award originally consisted of a certificate and a cash premium.

The medal perpetuates the memory of Sir John Madsen who was Foundation Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sydney from 1920 to 1949.


 1919 - 1975 Electrical Association Premium
       1976 - John Madsen Medal

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Journal Articles

  • 'Awards [W. H. Warren Medal; R. W.Chapman Medal; John Madsen Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 50 (8) (1978), 14. 'John Madsen Medal 1977 presented to Prof H E Green, RMC Duntroon, for paper "Some Aspects of Radio Anechoic Chambers"'. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Colleges : The Institution's Awards', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (1977), 40. 'John Madsen Medal - Award to be presented by the College of Electrical Engineers from 1977.'. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report 1979 [Sixtieth Annual Report]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 52 (5) (1980), 69-79. 'Awards - Dr G F Shannon - John Madsen Medal 1979', p.48. Details


  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1981 [Sixty-second Annual Report] (1982), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - John Madsen Medal 1981 awarded to Professor W D Humpage, FIEAust and Dr K P Wong, MIEAust', p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1983 [Sixty-fourth Annual Report] (1984), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - John Madsen Medal 1983: Mr A E Gasgoine, MIEAust', p.12. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1985 [Sixty-sixth Annual Report] (1986), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Dr V J Gosbell, MIEAust, Mr G J Sanders, MIEAust and Mr M C Basell, GradIEAust received the John Madsen Medal [1985] for their paper "A High Efficiency Inverter for Remote Homestead Use", published in the Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, March 1985', p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1986 [Sixty-seventh Annual Report] (1987), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Mr N R Godfrey, Mr R H Treacy and Mr L S Parkes, were awarded the John Madsen Medal 1986 with their paper "Recent Improvements in the Electrical Loading Characteristics of Large Draglines"', p.15. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1987 [Sixty-eighth Annual Report] (1988), 28 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Mr Michael Carr, Mr Greg Barrow and Dr Kit Po Wong were awarded the John Madsen Medal [1987] for their paper "A Computer Controlled Test System" published in the Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia', p.19. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1988 (1989), 32 pp. 'Awards and Honours - John Madsen Medal for 1988 was awarded to G T Poulton and T S Bird for their paper "Earth Station Antennas for Multiple Satellite Access" published in the Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia', p.27. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1989 [Seventieth Annual Report] (1990), 36 pp. 'Electrical College - The John Madsen Medal for 1989 was awarded for the paper "Z-Plane Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Facilities for Transmission Networks with SR Compensators" by T T Nguyen, W D Humpage and M H Abdel-Rahman, which appeared in the September issue of JEEEA', p.25. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1992 [Seventy-third Annual Report] (1993), 40 pp. 'Awards and Honours - John Madsen Medal: Dr Trevor Bird, C Sroka", p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 2001 (Barton, ACT: 2001), 20 pp. '2000 John Madsen Medal awarded to Professor Gerard Ledwich and Khalid Masoud for the paper "Grid Connection without Mains Frequency Transformer".', p.8. Details

Ken McInnes

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