Mound, Laurence Alfred (1934 - )
- Born
- 22 April 1934
Willesden, United Kingdom - Occupation
- Entomologist and Museum curator
Laurence Mound is noted as a world authority on the taxonomy, phylogeny and biology of thrips (Thysanoptera). After six years working as an entomologist in Africa he joined the Natural History Museum, London, ultimately being Keeper of the Department of Entomology from 1981 to 1992. He migrated to Australia in 1994 and became Honorary Fellow with CSIRO in Canberra. Mound made research trips to many countries, and published widely on the Thysanoptera fauna of those countries. He worked on a catalog of Australian Thysanoptera for the Australian Biological Resources Study. From 1999 to 2004 he was Editor of Myrmecia, the newsletter of the Australian Entomological Society, becoming an Honorary Member of the Society in 2018.
- 1957
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of London
- 1958
- Education - Diploma in Economic Entomology, Imperial College, London
- 1959
- Education - Diploma of Tropical Agriculture, I.C.T.A., Trinidad
- 1959 - 1961
- Career position - Research Scientist, Federal Department of Agricultural Research, Nigeria
- 1961 - 1964
- Career position - Research Scientist, Empire Cotton Growing Corporation, Sudan
- 1964 - 1975
- Career position - Research Scientist, Natural History Museum, London
- 1975
- Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of London
- 1975 - 1981
- Career position - Deputy Keeper, Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London
- 1976 - 1988
- Career position - Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, International Congress of Entomology
- 1976 - 1990
- Career position - Consultant Director, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International Institute of Entomology, London
- 1981 - 1992
- Career position - Keeper, Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London
- 1992
- Life event - Retired
- 1992 - 1994
- Career position - Research contract, Natural History Museum, London
- 1994
- Life event - Migrated to Australia
- 1995 - 1996
- Career position - McMaster Fellow, CSIRO Division of Entomology
- 1996 - 2014
- Career position - Honorary Research Fellow, CSIRO
- 1999 - 2004
- Career position - Editor, Myrmecia
- 2018 -
- Award - Honorary Member, Australian Entomological Society
- 2021 -
- Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Emtomological Society, United Kingdom
- 2025
- Award - Officer of the Order o Australia (AO) for distinguished service to scientific research into the identification and biology of plant feeding insects
Related entries
Published resources
- Crespi, B. J.; Morris, D. C.; and Mound, L. A.; with botanical annexe by B.R. Maslin, Evolution of ecological and behavioural diversity: Australian acacia thrips as model organisms (Canberra: Australian Biological Resources Study ; Australian National Insect Collection, 2004), 321 pp. Details
Journal Articles
- Cranston, Peter, 'Royal Entomological Society award for Laurence Mound', ANICdotes, 19 (2021), 5. Details
- Cranston, Peter, 'Laurence Mound honoured by Royal Entomological Society', Myrmecia, 57 (4) (2021), 14-5. Details
- Funderburk, Joe; and Hoddle, Mark, 'Laurence Alfred Mound and his contributions to our knowledge of the Thysanoptera', Zootaxa, 2896 (1) (2011), 9-36. Details
- Mound, L., 'Austral Thysanoptera 100 years of progress', Austral Entomology, 53 (2014), 18-25. Details
Resource Sections
- 'Dr Laurence Alfred Mound: Officer of the Order of Australia', in It's an Honour, Australian Awards and Honours Secretariat, Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, 2025. Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 23 June 2022, Last modified: 28 January 2025