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Cribb, Alan Bridson (1925 - )

5 October 1925
Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Marine biologist, Phycologist and University Administrator


Alan Cribb is a marine botanist noted particularly for his research on algae and marine fungi. He concentrated in the Great Barrier Reef, his work resulting in a classification system for algae of intertidal reefs that is widely used. For over 35 years Cribb lectured at the University of Queensland, being Head of the Department of Biology from 1978 to 1982. The algal collection Cribb established at the University of Queensland was ultimately transferred to the Queensland Herbarium. His many publications on algae include the landmark Marine algae of the southern Great Barrier Reef - Rhodophyta (1983), issued as Handbook no. 2 of the Australian Coral Reef Society. Cribb's partner in much of his research was his wife, Joan Cribb. Together they published a series of popular books on useful native plants and Queensland marine plants. Cribb was active in the Queensland Naturalists' Club, serving two terms as President and editing the Queensland naturalist for many years.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc(Hons)), University of Queensland
1950 - 1952
Career position - Research Officer, CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, Cronulla
1952 - ?
Career position - Lecturer in Botany, University of Queensland
1952 - 1958
Career position - Editor, Queensland naturalist
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Queensland
1968 - 1969
Career position - President, Queensland Naturalists' Club
1969 - 1978
Career position - Editor, Queensland naturalist
1978 - 1982
Career position - Head, Department of Biology, University of Queensland
1985 - 1986
Career position - President, Queensland Naturalists' Club
Life event - Retired
Award - Queensland Natural history Award, Queensland Naturalists' Club
Award - Australian Natural History Medallion, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria
2002 -
Award - Honorary Life Member, Australian Marine Sciences Association

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Published resources


  • Bridson, A. B., Marine algae of the southern Great Barrier Reef - Rhodophyta, 1 vols (Brisbane: Australian Coral Reef Society, 1983). Details
  • Cribb, A. B.; and Cribb, J. W., Wild food in Australia (Sydney: Collins, 1974), 240 pp. Details
  • Cribb, A. B.; and Cribb, J. W., Wild medicine in Australia (Sydney: Collins, 1981), 228 pp. Details
  • Cribb, A. B.; and Cribb, J. w., Useful wild plants in Australia (Sydney: Collins, 1981), 269 pp. Details
  • Cribb, A. B.; and Cribb, J. W., Plant life of the Great Barrier Reef and adjacent shores (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1985), 294 pp. Details
  • Cribb, A. B.; and Cribb, J. W., Seaweeds of Queensland: a naturalist's guide (Brisbane: Queensland Naturalists' Club, 1996), 130 pp. Details


  • Cribb, Alan B.; Cribb, Joan W.; and Woodall, Peter F., eds., 'Queensland Naturalists', The Queensland Naturalist, 44 (1-3), 2006, 2-72 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Alan Bridson Cribb [Honorary Life Member]', Australian marine science bulletin, 158 (2002), 13. Details
  • Cribb, A. B., 'Historical Notes on North West Island', Queensland Naturalist, 19 (4/6) (1969), 82-85. Details
  • Endersby, Ian, 'Alan Bridson Cribb', Victorian Naturalist, 119 (1) (2002), 37-8. Details

Helen Cohn

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