
Gillin, Laurence Murray (Murray) (1935 - )


15 May 1935
Academic, Engineer and Materials scientist


Murray Gillin, AM FTSE HonFIEAust MEngSc PhD MEd, Emeritus Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; past Director of the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship; and past Pro Vice-Chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology, made significant innovative contributions in materials research and engineering; in defence science and technology; in tertiary education; and in entrepreneurship and innovation.


Graduating with a Diploma of Metallurgy at Ballarat School of Mines, 1956, and Master of Engineering Science, University of Melbourne, 1958, he was a research scientist at the Aeronautical Research Laboratories. His PhD research in materials science at University of Cambridge, 1964, and his work in the defence science and technology field, helped establish the science and design of graphite carbon-fibre composites in Australia. This early work later led to the development of carbon fibre composite tail assemblies for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and a new aircraft industry in Australia.

In 1979, Murray moved into university education, as Dean of Engineering at Swinburne Institute of Technology, and consolidated the now renowned Swinburne Industry Based Learning (IBL) program. In 1988, he founded the Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MEI) course within the Faculty of Engineering, the first such program in the world, and a flagship course for Swinburne. In 1990, as the foundation Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, he established the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship (AGSE) at Swinburne University of Technology.

In 1992 Murray was elected President of the Institution of Engineers, Australia; in 1994 elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering; in 1995 President of the World Association for Co-operative Education, and in 1997 he was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for his work in engineering, innovation, and ongoing professional education.


Education - Diploma of Metallurgical Engineering (DipMetEng), Ballarat School of Mines
1957 - 1958
Career position - Part-time lecturer in metallurgy, Swinburne Technical College
Award - Dixson Scholarship, University of Melbourne
Education - Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering (BMetE Hons), University of Melbourne
Education - Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc), University of Melbourne
1959 - 1960
Career position - Researcher, Aeronautical Research Laboratories
Education - Doctor of Philosophy, Materials Science (PhD), University of Cambridge, under Prof. Tony Kelly CBE
1966 - 1974
Career position - Research Scientist, carbon-fibre composites, Aeronautical Research Laboratories
1975 - 1978
Career position - Head of Laboratory Programs, Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
1979 - 1993
Career position - Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Swinburne Institute of Technology
Career event - Director, Entrepreneurial Workshop Program
Education - Master of Education (MEd), University of Melbourne
Career event - Designed a Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurial Studies course, Swinburne Institute of Technology
Career event - Founded a Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MEI) course, Swinburne Institute of Technology
Career event - Adviser, Cooperative Research Centre for Aerospace Structures. [Now Advanced Composite Structures Australia (ACS-A) ]
1990 - 1998
Career position - Founding Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Swinburne Institute of Technology
1992 - 1993
Career position - President, Institution of Engineers Australia
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
1995 - 1996
Career position - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Industry Regional Development and Client Services, Swinburne University of Technology
1996 - 1998
Career position - President, World Association for Cooperative Education
Award - Honorary doctorate, Doctor of Pedagogy, Northeastern University, Boston USA
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) - for service to engineering and education, particularly in the area of continuing education programs for professional engineers.
Career position - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic, Swinburne University of Technology
Award - Honorary Fellow (HonFIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
1998 -
Career position - Emeritus Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Swinburne University fo Technology
Life event - Retired from Swinburne University of Technology
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society in technological industries.
Career event - Founded, AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Conference
Award - Lifetime Achievement Award, BCERC Entrepreneurship Research Conference
Career position - Adjunct Professor, University of Adelaide
Career position - Adjunct Professor, UNITAR, Malaysia
Award - Honorary Doctor of Business (DocBus), Swinburne University of Technology

Related Corporate Bodies

Related People

Published resources


  • Howarth, Cathy S.; Gillin, Murray, and Bailey, John Ernest, Strategic alliances : resource-sharing strategies for smart companies. (Melbourne, Victoria.: Pitman Publishing, 1995), 187 pp. Details

Conference Papers

  • Davie, R.S.; Gillin, L.M.; Russell, J.K., 'The Influence of Aerospace Developments upon Developments in Manufacturing', in Joint National Symposium 1985: The Influence of Aviation on Engineering and the Future of Aeronautics in Australia; Preprints (Barton, ACT: Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1985), pp. 1-4., Details

Journal Articles

  • Davie, R. S.; Gillin, L. M.; Russell, J. K., 'The influence of aerospace developments in manufacturing', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 57 (24) (1985), Supplement: 1-4. Details


  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1989 [Seventieth Annual Report] (1990), 36 pp. 'Vice President, Professional Issues', p.14-15. Details


  • Gillin, L.M., 'Deformation of graphite', PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1965, 129 pp. Details
  • Gillin, L.M., 'Cooperative education in engineering : effects on career progress and graduate attitudes', MEd thesis, University of Melbourne, 1982, 117 pp. Details
  • Gillin, Murray L., 'Strain ageing in cold rolled 70-30 brass', Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1959, 87 pp. Details

See also

  • 'People', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 59 (17) (1987), 21. Details
  • Anon, Australian men and women of science, engineering and technology (Port Melbourne: Reed Reference Australia, 1995), 661 pp. 'Gillin, Laurence Murray, Prof' pp.193-194. Details
  • Tolra, Leanne ed., Swinburne University of Technology : our people, our achievements, our future : a young university, backed by more than a century of history (Richmond, Victoria: Hardie Grant Books, 2017), 122 pp, Details

Ken McInnes

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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