
Corrick, Margaret Georgina (1922 - 2020)

11 October 1922
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
12 August 2020
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Botanist and Naturalist


Margaret Corrick was a naturalist widely recognised for her extensive knowledge of the flora of southeastern Australia and of southern Western Australia. Her interest was sparked while living in country Victoria, when she joined the local naturalists' clubs and often made camping trips. Having moved to Melbourne, Corrick became involved in the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, holding a number of offices including as a member of the editorial committee of the Victorian naturalist and of the Committee for the Australian Natural History Medallion. She was President of the Club from 1976 to 1978. Between 1975 and 1987 Corrick was on the staff of the National Herbarium of Victoria. Among her achievements was the initiation of the volunteers program under which significant progress was made in the curation of the collections. Corrick was an inveterate and skilled collector, concentrating on taxa that were poorly represented in the Herbarium, from areas where few collections had been made, and on plants that were the focus of research by Herbarium botanists. The Herbarium holds nearly 6,000 of her specimens. She published several well-regarded book on the Victorian and Western Australian floras in association with photographer Bruce Fuhrer, including Wildflowers of Victoria and adjoining areas (2000) and Wildflowers of southern Western Australia (1996, 3rd ed. 2009). Corrick was noted as an authority on the genus Pultenaea (Fabaceae).



1965 - 1968
Career position - Secretary, Hamilton Branch, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria
1973 - 1980
Career position - Secretary, General Committee of the Australian Natural History Medallion, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria
1975 - 1976
Career position - Assistant Secretary, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria
1975 - 1980
Career position - Technical Assistant Grade 1, National Herbarium of Victoria
1976 - 1978
Career position - President, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria
1980 - 1986
Career position - Technical Assistant Grade 2, National Herbarium of Victoria
1986 - 1987
Career position - Technical Officer, National Herbarium of Victoria
Career event - Retired
1987 - 2008
Career position - Honorary Associate, National Herbarium of Victoria
2005 - 2020
Award - Honorary Member, Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria

Related Awards

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Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Coles, Cathryn, 'Margaret Corrick, Technical Officer', Botanic magazine, 3 (1988), 41. Details
  • Corrick, M. G., 'Alison M. Ashby, 1975. Australian Natural History Medallionist', The Victorian naturalist, 93 (3) (1976), 95-96. Details
  • George, Alex; with assistance from Walsh, Neville, 'Margaret Corrick 11 October 1922 to 12 August 2020', Australasian Systematic Botany Society newsletter, 186 (2021), 34-5. Details
  • Presland, Gary, 'Margaret Corrick: 11 October 1922 - 12 August 2020', The Victorian naturalist, 137 (5) (2020), 153-4. Details

Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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