
Watson, Frank George (1927 - 2013)

2 September 1927
Boulder, Western Australia, Australia
11 October 2013
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Engineer and Project Manager


Frank Watson, BA, FIEAust, FAIM, MIET, M-SAE-A was the General Manager and Director of Engineering of the Melbourne Underground Rail Loop Authority (MURLA) from 1971 to 1983. He was responsible for supervising and coordinating the planning, financing and construction of the Loop and successfully handing the completed works over to the Victorian Railways to operate.


Born on the goldfields in Western Austrlia, Frank commenced his Diploma of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Western Australian School of Mines, Kalgoorlie in 1945, completed the three years of course work in two years, but did not complete the fourth year project because he was recruited as a Lecturer in the School to cope with the influx of post-war students. In 1954 he completed an Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering through the British Institute of Engineering Technology by correspondence.

Prior to the MURLA project, Frank Watson was the Engineer in Charge of Central Plant Workshops, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW), 1965 to 1971, during tunnellng for Melbourne's South Eastern Trunk Sewer Project. The MMBW had purchased a large Robbins Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) for the project but it did not cope with the unexpected soft rock structures that were encountered. Frank and a former Hydro-Electric Commission colleague, David Burnet Sugden, fixed this problem by inventing a new head for this machine. Their patent (US: 3,600,899) was registered and licensed back to the US manufacturer James S Robbins of Seattle. The "Melbourne Head", as it was known, was subsequently used on Robbins TBM's worldwide.

In 1987, Frank received the Tunnelling Achievement Award by the Australian Underground Construction and Tunnelling Association (AUCTA) for his services to the tunnelling industry.


1945 - 1946
Education - Studied Diploma of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Western Australian School of Mines (Unfinished as thesis deferred)
Career position - Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics, Western Australian School of Mines.
1948 - 1950
Career position - Trainee, Government Aircraft Factory, Fishermens Bend, Victoria.
1951 - 1955
Career position - Engineer, (at Liawenee, Butlers Gorge, Tarraleah, Trevallyn), Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania.
Education - Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, British Institute of Engineering Technology
1956 - 1965
Career position - Engineer, Head Office, Hydro-Electric Commission
Education - Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Philosophy (BA), University of Tasmania
1965 - 1971
Career position - Engineer-in-Charge, Central Plant Workshops, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Victoria.
Patent - 'Improved Shield Tunnelling Method and Apparatus' [13004/1970. With David Burnett Sugden]
1971 - 1983
Career position - General Manager and Director of Engineering, Melbourne Underground Rail Loop Authority, Victoria.
c. 1974
Career event - Fellow (FIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia.
c. 1974
Career event - Fellow (FAIM), Australian Institute of Management.
c. 1976
Career event - Member (MIET), Institution of Engineering & Technology (UK)
1983 - 1984
Career position - Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Victoria.
1984 - 1987
Career position - Executive Manager, Scientific, Mechanical and Electrical Services, Melbourne Water.
c. 1987
Award - Life Member, Australian Tunnelling Society.
Career position - Consultant, Connell Wagner, Consulting Engineers.
Award - Tunnelling Achievement Award, Australian Underground Construction and Tunnelling Association (AUCTA). "In recognition of his services to the tunnelling industry"

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Obituary - Frank Watson 1927-2013', Engineers Australia, 85 (12) (2013), 63. Details
  • Handfield, John, 'Frank Watson Optimistic Engineer', The Chartered Engineer Victoria (1978), 3,6. Details
  • Watson, Donald and Spurling, Tom, 'Frank G. Watson, engineer 2nd September 1927 to 11th October 2013', ATS and ITA news, 2014 (March) (2014), 118. Details

Newspaper Articles


Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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