Durie, Robert Arthur (Bob) (1926 - 2016)
- Born
- 14 April 1926
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Died
- 5 December 2016
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - Occupation
- Energy scientist
Robert Durie was a leader in energy technology in Australia. For over 30 years he was involved in coal research, much of this time with CSIRO. Among his research publications was the seminal text The science of Victorian brown coal (1991). Durie was involved in a number of committees of inquiry into the energy sector in Australia. He was a founding member Australian Institute of Energy and the last Chairman of its predecessor, the Australian membership of the Institute of Fuel, United Kingdom. Durie represented Australia for many years on the International Standards Organisation (ISO) technical committees on coal and convened the ISO committee which developed the international classification system covering Australian and Gondwanan coals as well as those in Europe and North America.
- 1951 - 1953
- Career position - Scientific Officer, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Commonwealth Department of Supply
- 1953 - 1954
- Career position - Research Scientist, CSIRO Division of Coal Research
- 1954 - 1955
- Career position - Postdoctoral Fellow, Natural Resources Council, Canada
- 1956 - 1965
- Career position - Research Scientist, CSIRO Division of Coal Research
- 1965 - 1967
- Career position - Assistant Chief, CSIRO Division of Coal Research
- 1967 - 1976
- Career position - Assistant Chief, CSIRO Division of Mineral Chemistry
- 1972
- Career position - Founding Member, Australian Institute of Energy
- 1975 - 1976
- Career position - National Chairman, Institute of Fuel, United Kingdom
- 1976 - 1977
- Career position - Member Task Force on Energy, Institution of Engineers, Australia
- 1976 - 1978
- Career position - Chief Research Scientist and Leader, Fuel Chemistry Section, CSIRO Division of Process Technology
- 1976 - 1987
- Award - Chief Scientist, R. W. Miller and Co. Pty Ltd
- 1976 - 1987
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (FTS)
- 1977 -
- Career position - Founding Member, Australian Institute of Energy
- 1977 - 1983
- Career position - Member of Council, Australian Institute of Energy
- 1978 - 1987
- Career position - Member, National Committee on Fuels and Energy, Institution of Engineers, Australia
- 1979 - 1980
- Career position - Member, Tasmanian Energy Advisory Council
- 1979 - 1981
- Career position - Member of Council, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences
- 1980 - 1984
- Career position - Member, New South Wales Science and Technology Council
- 1982 - 1988
- Career position - Chairman, New South Wales Division, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering
- 1983 - 1986
- Career position - Member, National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council
- 1983 - 1988
- Career position - Member of Council, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences
- 1986 - 1993
- Career position - Technical Representative for Australia, UN Economic Commission for Europe Coal Committee, Geneva
- 1987 -
- Career position - Coal, energy and environment consultant
- 1987 -
- Award - Honorary Research Fellow, CSIRO Division of Energy Technology
- 1987
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE) [Awarded by AATS 1976]
- 1988
- Award - Baragwanath Award, Australian Institute of Energy
- 1989 - 1992
- Career position - Member, New South Wales Chemical Industry Taskforce
- 1990 - 1993
- Career position - Member of Council, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- 1991 - 1993
- Career position - Member, New South Wales Environment Trust Research Committee
- 1992 -
- Career position - Convenor, ISO Working Group on Coal Classification
- 1994 -
- Career position - Technical Secretary, IAE Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Australian Consortium
- 2001
- Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society in environmental science and technology.
Related entries
Published resources
Conference Papers
- Messerle, H. K.; Campbell, B.; Durie, R. A.; George, D. W.; Heal, N. B.; Koch, D. F. A.; Prince, R. G. H.; Rawlings, B.; Stokes, A. D.; Tanner, R. I.; Waters, P.; Watson-Munro, C. N., 'Alternative approaches to power generation. (Report of Working Party 7)', in Towards an Energy Policy for Australia. Report of the Task Force on Energy. Canberra, July 20-22, 1977. (NCP no 77/6) (Institution of Engineers Australia, 1977), pp. 129-142.. Details
- Stewart, I. McC.; Higgins, P.; Callicot, T.; Darby, W.; Durie, R.; Kirov, N.; Nicklin, D.; Shepheard, R.; Shedden, I.; Urie, R., 'Liquid fuels in Australia. (Report of Working Party 4)', in Towards an Energy Policy for Australia. Report of the Task Force on Energy. Canberra, July 20-22, 1977. (NCP no 77/6) (Institution of Engineers Australia, 1977), pp. 46-83.. Details
- Wall, T. J.; Baker, V. E.; Campbell, E. K.; Champness, A. R.; Crosby, J. V. P.; Durie, R. A.; Hamilton, R. B.; Haynes, G.; Nielsen, J. T.; Sanderson, R.; Stewart, I. McC.; Sergeant, G. D.; Thomas, M. H.; Young, J. T., 'Energy use and conservation in Australia. (Report of Working Party 10)', in Towards an Energy Policy for Australia. Report of the Task Force on Energy. Canberra, July 20-22, 1977. (NCP no 77/6) (Institution of Engineers Australia, 1977), pp. 179-208.. Details
Journal Articles
- Allardice, David and Paulson, Colin, 'Dr Bob Durie FAIE, FTSE', Energy news, 35 (1) (2017), 27. Details
- Anon, 'Bob Durie widely known as energy technologist', ATSE focus, 200 (2017), 51, Details
- Endersbee, L. A. [etal], 'An energy policy for Australia: Extracts from the summary report and recommendations of the Task Force on Energy of The Institution of Engineers, Australia', Energy, 5 (4) (1980), 295-323, Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 13 November 2018, Last modified: 8 January 2025