Tebbutt, Arthur Hamilton (Tebb) (1884 - 1962)
- Born
- 30 September 1884
Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia - Died
- 4 September 1962
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - Occupation
- Pathologist
Arthur Tebbutt was a dominant figure in the early years of Australian pathology. His interests were in morbid anatomy, haematology, bacteriology and serology. He made original contributions in these separate areas and was an acknowledged authority before they became recognised as individual specialties. Tebbutt pioneered blood grouping in Australia, including making survey of blood groups of Australian Aborigines. It was Tebbutt's discovery that the fatalities in the Bundaberg diphtheria inoculation experiment of 1928 were caused by staphylococcal contamination and not the vaccine. As Director of Pathology at the Prince Alfred and St Vincent's Hospitals in Sydney he was responsible for innovations and increased efficiency in hospital pathology practice. Tebbutt was a member of the New South Wales and Nation Blood Transfusion Services, providing essential 'back-room' services during WWII. He was active in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, being a founding Fellow and serving in several executive roles.
- 1905
- Award - Volunteer Decoration (VD)
- 1905
- Education - BA University of Sydney
- 1908
- Education - MB, University of Sydney
- 1909
- Career position - Resident Medical Officer, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- 1910
- Career position - Resident Pathologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- 1912
- Education - Diploma of Public Health (DPH), University of Oxford
- 1912 - 1914
- Career position - Resident Pathologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- 1914 - 1919
- Career position - Served with the Australian Army Medical Corps
- 1918
- Award - Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
- 1918 - 1954
- Career position - Private practice as consultant pathologist
- 1920 - 1925
- Career position - Senior Pathologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- 1925 - 1943
- Career position - Director of Pathology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- 1930 - 1938
- Career position - Founding Member, Association of Physicians of Australasia
- 1938 - 1949
- Career position - Councillor, Royal Australian College of Physicians
- 1938 - 1962
- Career position - Foundation Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- 1940 - 1944
- Career position - Acting Honorary Secretary, Royal Australian College of Physicians
- c. 1943 -
- Career position - Director of Pathology, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
- 1944 - 1949
- Career position - Treasurer, Royal Australian College of Physicians
- 1954
- Life event - Retired from private practice
Related entries
Published resources
- McDonald, G. L., Roll of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Sydney: Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1988), 332 pp, Details
Journal Articles
- 'Obituaries: Arthur Hamilton Tebbutt, Adolph Bolliger, Richard James Arthur Berry and William Norman Little', Medical Journal of Australia, 1 (12) (1963), 444-448. Details
- Hansman, F. S., 'Obituary: Arthur Hamilton Tebbutt', Medical Journal of Australia, 1963 (1) (1963), 444-5. Details
- 'Tebbutt, Arthur Hamilton (18840930-19620904)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
See also
- Hobbins, Peter G., '"Immunisation is as Popular as a Death Adder": the Bundaberg Tragedy and the Political Deployment of Medical Science in Interwar Australia', Social History of Medicine, 24 (2) (2011), 426-44, Details
- Morison, Patricia, The Martin spirit: Charles Martin and the foundation of biological science in Australia (Canberra: Halstead Press, 2019), 296 pp. Details
Helen Cohn
Last modified: 3 July 2018