Hirschfeld, Otto Saddler (1898 - 1957)
- Born
- 24 March 1898
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Died
- 29 May 1957
Clayfield, Queensland, Australia - Occupation
- Medical practitioner and university chancellor
Otto Hirschfeld was a medical practitioner and university chancellor. He studied medicine at the University of Melbourne (M.B., B.S., 1923). He was a resident medical officer at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for 18 months. He was a physician to out-patients at Brisbane Hospital from 1925 and to in-patients in 1936 as well as a senior part-time physician in 1938. In 1938 he lectured in clinical medicine at the University of Queensland and then in pharmacology and material medica, metabolism diseases, forensic medicine, and medicine and pathology. He was in charge of the diabetic clinic at Brisbane Hospital (1937-1953), a member (1951) and fellow (1956) of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, serving on its therapeutic advisory committee. Hirschfeld served on the poisons schedule committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council, the State advisory committee on hospital drugs and surgical appliances and also chaired the committee which organised the Brisbane Hospital Pharmacopoeia. Hirschfeld was a senate member of the University of Queensland from 1950, deputy chancellor in 1952 and chancellor from 1953. In 1956, he was awarded an honorary LL.D from the University of Melbourne.
- 1919
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Queensland
- 1921
- Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Queensland
- 1923
- Education - MB BS, University of Melbourne
- 1923 - 1924
- Career position - Resident Medical Officer, Royal Melbourne Hospital
- 1925 - 1936
- Career position - Honorary Outpatient Physician, Brisbane Hospital
- 1936 - 1938
- Career position - Honorary Physician to Inpatients, Brisbane Hospital
- 1937 - 1953
- Career position - In charge of the diabetic clinic, Brisbane Hospital
- 1938 - 1957
- Career position - Senior Physician (part-time), Brisbane Hospital
- 1950 - 1952
- Career position - Member of the Senate, University of Queensland
- 1951 - 1956
- Career position - Member, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- 1952 - 1953
- Career position - Deputy Chancellor, University of Queensland
- 1953 - 1957
- Career position - Chancellor, University of Queensland
- 1956
- Award - Honorary LLD, University of Melbourne
- 1956 - 1957
- Career position - Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Related entries
Published resources
- McDonald, G. L., Roll of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Sydney: Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1988), 332 pp, Details
Book Sections
- Patrick, Ross, 'Hirschfield, Otto Sadler (1909-1957), medical practitioner and university chancellor' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 14: 1940 - 1980 Di-Kel, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996), pp. 456-457. Details
Journal Articles
- Anon, 'Otto Saddler Hirschfeld', Medical Journal of Australia, 1957 (2) (1957), 222-4. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- 'Hirschfeld, Otto Saddler (18980324-19570529)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Kristijan Causovski and Helen Cohn
Created: 2 May 2013, Last modified: 16 August 2017