Robinson, Edward Trevor (1922 - 2007)
- Born
- 22 June 1922
Pilbara Region, Western Australia, Australia - Died
- 13 June 2007
Edward Robinson was renowned figure in the Australian and international information technology community from the 1960s onwards. Robinson had a large part in establishing Australia role as a pioneer in the manufacture and use of digital computers.
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Published resources
Edited Books
- Bennett, J. M.; Broomham, Rosemary; Murton, P. M.; Pearcey, T.; Rutledge, R. W. ed., Computing in Australia: the Development of a Profession (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1994), 344 pp. Chapter 4, 'Government participation in the Australian computer industry' pages 59-64; Chapter 6, 'A way to go' pages 98-104. Details
Newspaper Articles
- Fitzimmons, W.; O'Neill, J., 'Early leader in arcane world of computers', The Age (2007). Details
- 'Robinson, Edward Trevor (19220622-20070613)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Rebecca Rigby
Created: 5 October 2012, Last modified: 18 March 2013