Adamson, Frederick M. (c. 1810 - c. 1860)
- Born
- c. 1810
Victoria, Australia - Died
- c. 1860
- Occupation
- Botanical collector
Little is known about Victorian settler Frederick Adamson, although he made some 'extensive and excellent collections' (Hooker J.D.,1859) between 1840 and 1855 in the Melbourne area. His samples were sent to Sir William Hooker, first director of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, England, where they became a significant part of the extensive 'Hooker' collection of Australian specimens. At the time that Frederick Adamson collected specimen around Melbourne, virtually no botanical work had emanated from the new settlement.
- 1853
- Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus macrorhyncha F. Muell. ex Benth. Flora Australiensis 3:207 (1867) (Red Gum, Red Stringybark, Cannons Stringybark) Adamson collected a syntype.
Related entries
Archival resources
Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne
- Records of James Hamlyn Willis, 1804 - 1996; Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. Details
Published resources
Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions
- McCarthy, Gavan; Smith, Ailie; Moje, Christine; Rigby, Rebecca, The Study of Australian Eucalypts, eScholarship Research Centre, 2013, Details
- Wikidata, Details
- Death Record, Birth Deaths and Marriages Victoria, Victorian Government, Details
- 'Adamson, Frederick M.', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
See also
- Hall, Norman, Botanists of the Eucalypts: short biographies of people who have named eucalypts, whose names have been given to species or who have collected type material (Melbourne: CSIRO, 1978), 101 pp. Details
- Hooker, Joseph Dalton, On the Flora of Australia: its Origin, Affinities, and Distribution (London: Lovell-Reeve, 1859), The book has several references to Adamson, and a list of introduced plants, of which several include Adamson's descriptions of their location and characteristics (pp 105-109). Details
- Maiden, J. H., 'Records of Victorian Botanists', The Victorian naturalist, 25 (1908), 101-117, Details
- Willis, J. H., 'Botanical pioneers in Victoria - III', Victorian naturalist, 66 (7) (1949), 123-8, Details
Christine Moje and Neville Walsh
Created: 21 June 2012, Last modified: 25 June 2019
- Foundation and Current Supporter - Bjarne K Dahl Trust