
Clerehan, Brian (1918 - 2001)


10 December 1918
20 January 2001
Physician and Military doctor


Brian Clerehan was instrumental in combating tuberculosis in Australia. He concurrently served as a civilian and military physician for well over thirty years. In 1943 he joined the Medical Corps of the Australian Army and continued with the Citizens Military Force after the war. During this time he was promoted from Captain to Colonel and served as staff officer and military history instructor with the Command and Staff Training Unit. After the war Clerehan held successive posts at the Royal Children's Hospital, St Vincent's Hospital, the Greenvale Sanatorium and the Heatherton Sanatorium. He also concurrently worked with the Victorian Tuberculosis Department, Department of Health. In 1952 Clerehan received a World Health Organisation scholarship to study tuberculosis management overseas. While at Heatherton he introduced new anti- tuberculosis drugs and better surgical procedures and chest X-rays, becoming an expert in interpreting these X-rays. All this helped to see a steady reduction in the new tuberculosis cases and better outcomes for sufferers. In 1976 he joined St Vincent's once again treating patients and training medical students and nurses. He eventually retired from St Vincent's, the Department of Health and the Command and Staff Training Unit in 1987.



Education - Bachelor of Medicine (MB) and Bachelor of Surgery (BS), University of Melbourne
1942 - 1943
Career position - Resident Medical Officer at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne
1943 - 1945
Military service - War service with the Army Medical Corps
c. 1945 - c. 1949
Career position - Physician at the Royal Children's Hospital, St Vincent's Hospital and then the Greenvale Sanatorium in Victoria
c. 1947 - 1987
Career position - Joined the Tuberculosis Department of the Victorian Department of Health
1949 - 1956
Career position - Superintendent at the Heatherton Sanatorium
Award - World Health Organisation funded studies in Scandinavia, Switzerland and at the Brompton Chest Clinic in England
Career position - Member of the Central Health Department Chest Survey
Award - Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)
1976 - 1987
Career position - Physician and lecturer at St Vincent's Hospital

Published resources

Book Sections

  • Clerehan, Brian, 'Burston, Sir Samuel Roy (1888-1960), physician and army officer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 13: 1940 - 1980 A-De, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1993), pp. 314-315. Details


Resource Sections

See also

Annette Alafaci

EOAS ID: biogs/P004802b.htm

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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