
Jenkins, Clee Francis Howard (1908 - 1997)


17 March 1908
Salisbury, South Australia, Australia
13 July 1997
Broadcaster, Entomologist, Naturalist and Ornithologist


Clee Jenkins was an entomologist who joined the Western Australian Department of Agriculture in 1933, serving as Government Entomologist from 1939 to 1964, and retiring as Chief of the Biological Services Division in 1973. He held several other offices under the Western Australian Government, including Chairman of the National Parks Authority, and President of the zoological gardens Board. Jenkins was active in scientific societies. He served terms as President of the Royal Society of Western Australia and of the Western Australian Naturalists Club. Both the Royal Society and the Western Australian Gould League elected him an Honorary Life Member. Kenkins was a prolific contributor to newspapers, and radio and TV broadcasting.



1929 - 1933
Career position - Cadet, Western Australian Museum
1933 - 1938
Career position - Assistant Entomologist, Western Australian Department of Agriculture
Education - BA, University of Western Australia
Education - MA, University of Western Australia
1939 - 1964
Career position - Government Entomologist, Western Australian Department of Agriculture
1945 - 1946
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
1945 - 1965
Career position - Visiting Lecturer in Entomology, University of Western Australia
1959 - ?
Career position - President, Western Australian Gould League
1963 - 1964
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
1964 - 1973
Career position - Chief, Biological Services Division, Western Australian Department of Agriculture
Award - Medal of the Royal Society of Western Australia
1967 - 1968
Career position - Chairman, Western Australian Division, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
1971 - ?
Career position - President, Zoological Gardens Board, Western Australia
Award - Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for service as Chairman of the National Parks Authority and President of the Zoological Gardens Board, has given a lifetime of service to Western Australia as a scientist in the field of natural history
1978 - 1979
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
1996 - 1997
Award - Honorary Life Member, Royal Society of Western Australia

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Jenkins, C. F. H., The Noah's ark syndrome: one hundred years of acclimatisation and zoo development in Australia ([Perth]: Zoological Gardens Board of Western Australia, 1977), 147 pp. Details
  • Jenkins, C. F. H., The national parks of Western Australia (Crawley, W.A.: National Parks Authority f Western Australia, 1980), 78 pp. Details
  • Jenkins, C. F. H., John Gould and the birds of Australia ( [Perth]: Gould League of Western Australia, 1983), 132 pp. Details
  • Jenkins, C. F. H., The wanderings of an entomologist (Claremont, W.A.: the Author, 1988), 95 pp. Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Jenkins, C. F. H., 'A history of the Royal Society of Western Australia, and its role in the community: Presidential address', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 48 (1965), 33-44. Details
  • Jenkins, C. F. H., 'Biological control in Western Australia: Presidential address', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 32 (1979), 1-18. Details
  • Jenkins, Clee F. H., 'Insect pests and their control', Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, series, 2 (3) (1961), 255-38. Details
  • Jones, M. G. K., 'Obituaries: Clee F. H. Jenkins', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 80 (1997), 290. Details


See also

  • Johnstone, R. E., 'A history of ornithology at the Western Australian Museum' in Contributions to the History of Australasian Ornithology, Davis, William E.; Recher, Harry E.; Boles, Walter E.; and Jackson, Jerome A., eds (Cambridge, Mass.: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 2008), pp. 165-98. Details
  • Robin, Libby, The Flight of the Emu: a Hundred Years of Australian Ornithology 1901-2001 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2001), 492 pp. Details

Rosanne Walker and Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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