Published Resources Details

Edited Book

Fenner, Frank
History of Microbiology in Australia
Australian Society for Microbiology, Melbourne, 1990, 624 pp
History of Australian Science - General

1. The Early Days of Microbiology in Australia.
2. Teaching Institutions:
- The Universities;
- The Colleges of Advanced Education.
3. Research Institutes and CSIRO:
- The Research Institutes;
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
4. Diagnostic Laboratories and the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories:
- Medical Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratories;
- Veterinary Microbiology Laboratories;
- Plant Pathology Laboratories;
- The Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.
5. Australian Contributions to Bacteriology:
- Basic Bacteriology;
- Medical Bacteriology;
- Small Cell-Dependent Prokaryotes;
- Basic Bacteriology;
- Veterinary Bacteriology;
- Plant Bacteriology;
- Soil Bacteriology;
- Geomicrobiology;
- Water Microbiology.
6. Australian Contributions to Virology:
- General Contributions to Virology;
- Animal Viruses;
- Plant Viruses;
- Bacteriophages.
7. Australian Contributions to Mycology:
- Basic Mycology;
- Medical Mycology;
- Veterinary Mycology;
- Plant and Soil Mycology;
- Fungal Taxonomy.
8. Australian Contributions to Protozoology:
- Medical Protozoology;
- Veterinary Protozoology.
9. Industrial Microbiology:
- Microbiological Aspects of Water Use;
- Food and Beverage Microbiology;
- Antibiotics and Other Products of Fermentation;
- Vaccines and Diagnostic Reagents.
10. National Activities Concerned with Microbiology:
- The Australian Society for Microbiology;
- Regulatory and Advisory Bodies;
- Reference Laboratories and WHO Collaborating Centres;
- Australian Federation of Culture Collections;
- Communicable Diseases Intelligence;
- Microbiology in the Australian Army in the Two World Wars.
11. International Activities Concerned with Microbiology:
- The International Union of Microbiological Societies;
- Bacterial Taxonomy;
- Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Viruses;
- Fungal Taxonomy and Other International Activities in Mycology;
- International Culture Collection Organization;
- International Newsletters Produced in Australia.

Obituary Notices and Biographical Memoirs.
Index of Names.
Subject Index.


List of obituary notices and biographic memoirs, includes:
ADAM, David Bonar (1900-1951).
ALLEN, Harry Brookes (1854-1926).
ANDERSON, Kevin Francis (1925-73).
ANDERSON, Phyllis Margery (1901-1957).
BAAS BECKING, Laurens Gerhard Marinus (1895-1963).
BACKHOUSE, Thomas Clive (1895-1986).
BAILEY, Frederick Manson (1827-1915).
BANCROFT, Joseph (1836-1894).
BANCROFT, Thomas Lane (1860-1933).
BEATON, Carolyn Peta (1952-1987).
BEATON, Gordon William (1911-1988).
BENNETTS, Harold William (1898-1970).
BLACK, Robert Hughes (1917-1988).
BORTHWICK, Thomas (1860-1924).
BREINL, Anton (1880-1944).
BRYCE, Lucy Meredith (1897-1968).
BUCKLE, Glen (1912-1981).
BULL, Lionel Bately (1889-1978).
BULL, Richard Joseph (1874-1927).
BURNET, Frank Macfarlane (1898-1985).
BUTLER, Hildred Mary (1906-1975).
CARNE, Harold Roy (1900-1989).
CARNE, William Mervyn (1885-1952).
CASS-SMITH, Walter Pentland (1900-1977).
CHERRY, Thomas (1861-1945).
CLELAND, John Burton (1878-1971).
COBB, Nathan Augustus (1859-1932).
CONNOR (nee MACNAMARA), Annie Jean (1899-1968).
CUMPSTON, John Howard Lidgett (1880-1954).
DE BAVAY, Auguste Joseph Francois (1856-1944).
DE CRESPIGNY, Constantine Trent Champion (1882-1952).
DERRICK, Edward Holbrook (1898-1976).
DICKSON, Bertram Thomas (1886-1982).
DODD, Sydney (1878-1926).
DOUGLAS, Geoffrey William (1925-1985).
EDGAR, Grahame (1901-198p).
FAIRLEY, Neil Hamilton (1891-1966).
FARRER, William James (1845-1906).
FISHER, Stephen (1916-1983).
FLENTJE, Noel Thomas (1921-1974).
FORD, Edward (1902-1986).
FORNACHON, John Charles Macleod (1905-1968).
FOWLER, Malcolm Charles (1924-197 4).
FRASER, Lilian Ross (1909-1987).
GARDINER, Meredith Ryerss (1913-1976).
GARDNER, Hilda Josephine (1890-1953).
GILL, Dudley Arthur (1900-1973).
GILRUTH, John Anderson (1871-1937).
GOLDSWORTHY, Neil Ernest (1897-1960).
GOODCHILD, David John (1930-1989).
GORRIE, Colin John Richard (?1910-1974).
GOTTSCHALK, Alfred (1894-1973).
GREGG, Norman McAlister (1892-1966).
GREGORY, Thomas Screen (1903-1972).
GREIG-SMITH, Robert (1866-1927).
GUTTERIDGE, Noel Middleton (1896-1978).
HERBERT, Desmond Andrew (1898-1976).
HESLOP, George Gordon (1896-1983).
HEYDON, George Aloysius Makinson (1881-1963).
HINDMARSH, William Lloyd (1889-1980).
HIRSCHFELD, Eugen (1866-1946).
HONE, Frank Sandland (1871-1951).
HOWARD (nee WALTHO), Judith Ann (1935-1986).
HUDSON, John Richard (1905-1990).
HURST, Edward Weston (1900-1980).
INGLIS, William Keith (1888-1960).
JENSEN, Hans Lauritz (1898-1977).
JOHNSTON, George Arthur William (1922-1957).
KAMINISKI, Geraldine Whittle (1918-1985).
KENDALL, William Tyson (1851-1936).
KEOGH, Esmond Venner (1895-1970).
KOVACS, Nicholas (1899-1965).
LANE, William Reade (1914-1974).
LEGG, John (1892-1984).
LITTLE, Elaine Marjory (1884-1974).
LUSH, Dora (1910-1943).
McALPINE, Daniel (1849-1932).
McCARTNEY, James Elvins (1891-1969).
MACKEDDIE, John Fullarton (1868-1944).
MACKERRAS, Ian Murray (1898-1980).
MACKERRAS, Mabel Josephine (1896-1971).
McLAUGHIN, Eugene (1897-1962).
MACLEAY, William John (1820-1891).
McLENNAN, Ethel Irene (1891-1983).
McLORINAN, Henry (1895-1970).
MACNAMARA, Annie Jean (1899-1968).
MAGEE, Charles Joseph Patrick (1901-1989).
MARTIN, Charles James (1866-1955).
MATHISON, Gordon Clunes McKay (?1881-1915).
MAYO, Helen Mary (1878-1967).
MOLLER, William John (1936-1981).
MORGAN, Frederick Grantley (1891-1969).
MÜLLER, Karl Otto (1897-1978).
MURNANE, Daniel (1897-1972).
NOBLE, Robert Jackson (1893-1981).
NORRIS, Donald Owen (1916-1975).
NORTH, Edgar Alexander (1896-1970).
PARKER, Cecil David (1912-1981).
PATTERSON, Sydney Wentworth (1882-1960).
PENFOLD, William James (1875-1941).
PERRY, William John (1917-1965).
PLATT, Albert Edward (1901-1948).
POUND, Charles Joseph (1866-1946).
PRESCOTT, James Arthur (1890-1987).
PULLAR, Edward Murray (1906-1970).
REYE, Ralph Douglas Kenneth (1912-1977).
ROSE, Alfred Lionel (1898-1980).
RUBBO, Sydney Dattilo (1911-1969).
SAMUEL, Geoffrey (1898-1985).
SAWERS, William Campbell (1886-1955).
SCHOLES, Frank Victor Gordon (1885-1954).
SEDDON, Herbert Robert (1887-1964).
SMITH, John McGarvie (1844-1918).
STANLEY, Neville Fenton (1918-1985).
SWAN, Charles Spencer (1911-1963).
TALBOT, Patrick Henry Brabazon (1919-1979).
TEBBUTT, Arthur Hamilton (1884-1962).
THOMAS, Douglas John (1896-1954).
TIDSWELL, Frank (1867-1941).
TOLHURST, Jean Christa (1911-1966).
TRYON, Henry (1857-1944).
TURNER, Arthur William (1900-1990).
WALTERS, Lance Strothers (1906-1978).
WALTHO, Judith Ann (1935-1986), see HOWARD, Judith Ann
WARD, Hugh Kingsley (1887-1967).
WATERHOUSE, Walter Lawry (1887-1969).
WATSON, Irvine Armstrong (1914-1986).
WEBSTER, Reginald (1889-1976).
WILLIAMS, Fanny Eleanor (?1890-1963).
WILLIAMS, Stanley William (1905-1981).
WILLIS, Rupert Alan (1898-1980).
WILSON, Michael McCall (1913-1979).
WOOD, Edward James Ferguson (1904-1972).
WOODRUFF, Harold Addison (1877-1966).
WRIGHT, Hedley Duncan (1891-1942).

Carlson 1991

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260