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CSIRO Corporate Planning Office
An adaptive process for setting research priorities in CSIRO
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation, Canberra, ACT, 1995, 88 pp

Document supplied by Tom Spurling and Garrett Upstill October 2024.



Priority setting is probably the central issue in research management - working out which activities should grow and which should be wound back. It is an issue given much consideration by CSIRO in the past.

Over recent years, there has been increasing recognition that scientific excellence is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for success. CSIRO's ministerial guidelines, issued in 1988, note that:

CSIRO's main task will be the conduct of strategic and applied research in support of national economic, social and environmental objectives.

In October 1987, the new CSIRO Board noted the need to consider mechanisms to establish national research priorities, reflecting its concern that:
• It was poorly placed to undertake its key task of determining future strategic directions for CSIRO without a prior view of what Australia's research priorities are.
• CSIRO should take a stronger role in determining national research priorities.

In March 1988, the Board established a sub-committee on National Research Priorities to examine this question in detail. The sub-committee recognised at an early stage that the task was of a complexity that demanded a systematic framework to support robust decision-making. It devoted considerable effort to the development of a methodology to allow the systematic, qualitative evaluation of the likely economic, environmental and social benefits to Australia of research for a wide range of purposes, giving explicit consideration to all factors relevant to the actual delivery of those benefits.

Related Published resources


  • CSIRO Corporate Planning Office, CSIRO priority determination 1990; methodology & results; overview, January 1991 (Kretschmer Report) (Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation, 1991), 40 pp, Details
  • CSIRO Corporate Planning Office, CSIRO priority determination 1990: role statements, 11 March 1991 (Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation, 1991), 36 pp. Details

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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