Eucalyptus melliodora, Yellow Box, detail of bark
This theme comprises a list of people and organisations involved in managing timber yields, such as plantations for timber milling and paper manufacturing; improving functions of the ecosystem, and increasing biodiversity.
The economic demand on eucalypt timber requires careful, sustainable management and policies to support this, so that native forests can continue to support other plants and animals, and provide social benefit to future generations (Australia: Sustainable Forest Management, 2007).
Eucalypt timber is used for house construction, fencing and paper production, as well as for woodcraft, furniture and flooring. Locally and internationally, woodchips as a by-product of timber harvesting are in demand for use in paper production, and plantations of selected eucalypt species are grown for paper production from their wood pulp (Victoria's Forests, 2012)
- Australia: Sustainable Forest Management, Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2007, Details
- Victoria's Forests, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2012, Details
Clicking on links in the list below will take you to the relevant entry in the Encyclopedia of Australian Science
- Adams, Mark Andrew - Academic, Botanist, Conservationist, Ecologist, Forest scientist
- Andrade, Edmundo Navarro de (1881 - 1941) - Agricultural engineer, Ecologist, Forest scientist
- Attiwill, Peter Muecke - Botanist, Conservationist, Ecologist, Forest scientist
- Australian Tree Seed Centre, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1962 - ) - Agricultural Industry, Forest Science
- Bassett, Owen David (1964 - ) - Forest Science, Silviculture consultant
- Blackburne, James (1839 - 1927) - Botanical collector, Forester
- Boland, Douglas John (1947 - 2001) - Botanical collector, Botanist, Forester
- Boomsma, Clifford David (1915 - 2004) - Botanical collector, Forester
- Bowman, David - Academic, Ecology and Conservation, Forest Science
- Bradshaw, Frank J. (Jack) (1941 - ) - Forester
- Brown, Alan Gordon John (1931 - 2023) - Forest scientist, Science administrator
- Brown, John Ednie (1848 - 1899) - Botanist, Forester
- Connell, Michael Joseph (Mike) (1954 - ) - Forestry consultant
- CRC for Forestry (2005 - 2013) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- Cremer, Kurt Wilhelm (1934 - 2005) - Forest scientist
- Cromer, Robin N. - Forest scientist, Forester
- CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1928 - 1971) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- CSIRO Division of Forest Products (mark II), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1990 - 1995) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1975 - 1987) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- CSIRO Division of Forestry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1991 - 1995) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark I), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1988 - 1990) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark II), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1995 - 2007) - Industrial or Scientific Research, Forest or Timber Industries
- Cunningham, T. Murray - Forester
- Dahl, Bjarne Klaus (1898 - 1993) - Forester
- Dalrymple-Hay, Richard (1861 - 1943) - Botanical collector, Conservationist, Forester
- de Beuzeville, Wilfred Alexander Watt (1884 - 1954) - Botanical collector, Forester
- Dexter, Barrie Donald - Forest scientist
- Eldridge, Kenneth George - Agricultural scientist, Forest Scientist, Plant geneticist
- Ellis, Robert (Bob) C. - Forest scientist
- ENSIS (2004 - 2007) - Advisory or Regulatory Body, Forest or Timber Industries, Forest Science
- Faculty of Land and Food Resources, The University of Melbourne (2005 - 2008) - Agriculture, Education, Forestry
- Fagg, Peter Charles (1947 - ) - Forester, Silviculture consultant
- Flinn, David William (1944 - ) - Forest scientist
- Florence, Ross G. (1930 - ) - Academic, Forester
- Forest Research Institute (1964 - 1975) - Forest or Timber Industries, Industrial or Scientific Research, Forestry Regulation
- Forestry and Timber Bureau, Commonwealth of Australia (1946 - 1978) - Forestry regulation, Advisory or regulatory body
- Forestry Commission (of New South Wales), State of New South Wales (1916 - 1993) - Forestry regulation, Advisory or regulatory body
- Forestry Commission (of Tasmania), State of Tasmania (1947 - 1994) - Forestry regulation, Advisory or regulatory body
- Forests Commission Victoria, State of Victoria (1918 - 1983) - Forestry regulation, Advisory or regulatory body
- Gilbert, John Maxwell (Max) (1913 - 2007) - Forester
- Grose, Ronald Jeffrey (1929? - 2007) - Forester
- Hall, Norman (1906 - 2005) - Botanical collector, Forester, Photographer
- Hateley, Ronald Francis (1948 - 2011) - Forest Historian, Forest scientist
- Hickey, John E. (1956 - ) - Forest scientist
- Hopmans, Peter (1946 - ) - Ecology and Conservation, Forest scientist
- Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) (1935 - ) - Forest or Timber Industries, Forest Science
- Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (1905 - 1979) - Botanical collector, Botanist, Forester
- Johnstone, John (1862 - 1937) - Forester
- Kellas, John Douglas (1948 - ) - Forest scientist
- Kerruish, C.M. (Bill) (1934 - ) - Forest scientist
- Kessell, Stephen Lackey (1897 - 1979) - Ecology and Conservation, Forester
- Kile, Glen Ashley (1946 - ) - Forest pathologist, Forest research leader
- La Gerche, John (1845 - 1914) - Forester
- Lambert, Marcia Joan (1942 - ) - Forest scientist
- Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885 - 1970) - Botanical collector, Forester
- Lutze, Mark T. (1957 - ) - Forest scientist, Soil scientist
- Marks, Geoffrey Charles (1932 - 1990) - Forest pathologist
- Mckay, Hugh R - Forester
- Morris, James D. (1949 - 2006) - Forest scientist
- Museu do Eucalipto (1916 - ) - Eucalypt display centre, Forest or Timber Industries, Forest Science
- Neumann, Frederick Gerhard (1937 - ) - Forest entomologist
- Neyland, Mark Geoffrey (1958 - ) - Forest scientist
- Pederick, Leon A. (1930 - ) - Biogeographer, Forest Scientist
- Perrin, George Samuel - Forester
- Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?) - Conservationist, Ecologist, Forester
- Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998) - Botanist, Forester
- Smith, Ian William (1954 - ) - Forest pathologist
- Squire, Ross Ormond (1942 - ) - Forest scientist
- Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - ) - Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist, Forestry consultant
- Stoate, Theodore Norman (1895 - 1979) - Forester
- Swain, Edward Harold Fulcher (1883 - 1970) - Botanical collector, Forester
- Turnbull, John Wright (1940 - ) - Botanical collector, Forester, Research scientist
- Turner, John (1947 - ) - Forest scientist
- Victorian School of Forestry (1910 - 1973) - Education, Forestry
- Weston, Thomas Charles George (1866 - 1935) - Forest scientist, Horticulturist
- Wilkinson, Graham Richard (1954 - ) - Forester