Hartley, Richard Gordon (1939 - 2016)
- Born
- 30 June 1939
United Kingdom - Died
- 5 May 2016
Perth, Western Australia, Australia - Occupation
- Civil engineer and Engineering historian
Richard Hartley was a civil engineer who worked as designer, hydrologist, environmental engineer and project manager for a variety of projects in Western Australia, especially railways. Having retired because of ill-health he became absorbed in Western Australia's mining history. His research included working on railways records in the State archives, conducting oral history interviews, and the preparation of submissions on the heritage of engineering sites throughout the State. Hartley's books were on the engineering history of Western Australia's goldfields, and included a biographical encyclopaedia of Western Australian metallurgists and mining engineers and managers.
Skip to
- 1964
- Education - Bachelor of Science, BSc (Eng) (Hons), Glasgow University
- 1968 - 1984
- Career position - Senior civil and structural engineer, Maunsell & Partners, Perth, Western Australia
- 1969
- Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
- 1984
- Life event - Retired
- 1992
- Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Murdoch University
- 1992 - 2009
- Career position - Member, Engineering Heritage Panel, Western Australian Branch, Engineers Australia
- 1995
- Career position - Founding Member, Australasian Mining History Association
- 1998
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Murdoch University
- 2009
- Award - John Monash Medal, Engineering Heritage Australia
- 2011
- Award - Telford Premium, Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Published resources
- Cumming, Denis A.; and Hartley, Richard G., Westralian founders of twentieth century mining: career biographies of mining engineers, mine managers and metallurgists who worked in the Western Australian mining industry 1890-1920 (Rossmoyne W.A.: Richard G. Hartley, 2014), 190 pp. Details
- Hartley, Richard G., River of steel: a history of Western Australian goldfields and agricultural water supply, 1903 - 2003 (Bassendean, W.A.: Access Press, 2007), 522 pp. Details
Book Sections
- Hartley, Richard G., 'Fernie, Norman (1898-1977), engineer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 14: 1940 - 1980 Di-Kel, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996), pp. 155-156. Details
Journal Articles
- Hartley, Richard G., 'Lessons from Western Australia's goldfields water supply scheme', Proceedings of the ICE: Engineering History and Heritage, 163 (3), 179-187, Details
- Young, Don, 'Vale Richard Gordon Hartley, 30th June 1939 - 5th May 2016', Engineering Heritage Australia magazine, 2 (3) (2016), 18-9, Details
- Wikidata, Details
Resource Sections
- 'Engineering Heritage : Biographies', in Engineering Heritage Australia : wiki website, Engineering Heritage Australia, 2024,,_Richard. Biography: Richard Hartley. Details
- Hartley, Richard G., 'A history of technological change in Kalgoorlie gold metallurgy between 1895 and 1915', PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 1998, 2 v. pp. Details
Helen Cohn
Last modified: 3 March 2022