
Murray, Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald (1900 - 1967)


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    Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald Murray

18 June 1900
Dorchester, Dorset, England
17 May 1967
at sea


Patrick Murray was appointed Challis professor of zoology at the University of Sydney in 1949 and resigned in 1960. He then took up a readership in zoology (later, research fellow) at the University of New England where he specialized in experimental embryology. Prior to these two posts Murray worked overseas at many prestigious institutes including the Strangeways Research Laboratory at the University of Cambridge (UK); the University of Freiburg (Germany); Bedford College for Women, University of London; and at St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School.



Education - Entered St Ignatius' College in Riverview, New South Wales
1919? - 1966
Career position - Member, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Sydney
Education - Matriculated at Magdalen College, Oxford, UK
Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Oxford
1924 - 1926
Award - Linnean Macleay Fellow (Zoology), for study at the University of Sydney
1924 - 1929
Career position - Lecturer and Demonstrator in Zoology, University of Sydney
1924 - 1967
Award - Fellow, Linnean Society of New South Wales
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Sydney
1926 - 1929
Career position - Lecturer in Zoology, University of Sydney
1929 - c. 1930
Career position - Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, Universities of Cambridge (UK) and Freiburg (Germany)
1931 - 1935
Career position - Smithson Fellow of Natural Sciences, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge
Career event - Bones: a study of the development and structure of the vertebrate skeleton published
1938 - 1939
Career position - Demonstrator in Zoology, Bedford College for Women, University of London
1939 - 1949
Career position - Reader in Biology and Comparative Anatomy at St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School, UK
1949 - 1960
Career position - Challis Professor of Zoology, University of Sydney
1950 - 1960
Career position - Trustee, Australian Museum
Award - Foundation Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
1954 - 1967
Award - Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Career position - President, Section D, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
1960 - 1966
Career position - Reader, Department of Zoology, University of New England
1966 - 1967
Career position - Research Fellow, University of New England
1966 - 1967
Award - Life Member, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Murray, P. D. F., Bones: a study of development and structure of the vertebrate skeleton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1936), 203 pp. Details
  • Murray, P. D. F., Biology: an introduction to medical and other studies (London: Macmillan, 1950), 600 pp. Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • 'Dr. P.D.F. Murray: obituary', Australian Zoologist, 14 (2) (1967), 227. Details
  • Murray, P. D. F.; and Crocker, R. L., 'Obituary: John McLuckie', Australian Journal of Science, 19 (3) (1956), 109-110. Details
  • Rogers, W. P., 'Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald Murray', Records of the Australian Academy of Science, 1 (3) (1968), 71-76. Details


Resource Sections

See also

  • Norris, K. R., 'Ian Murray Mackerras 1898-1980', Historical Records of Australian Science, 5 (2) (1981), 98-114. Details
  • Prince, J. H., The first one hundred years of the Royal Zoological Society of N.S.W. 1879 - 1979 (Sydney: Royal Zoolgical Society of New South Wales, 1979), 81 pp. Details

Digital resources

Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald Murray


Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

EOAS ID: biogs/P000665b.htm

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