
Andrewartha, Herbert George (1907 - 1992)


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    Herbert George Andrewartha

21 December 1907
Mount Lawley, Western Australia, Australia
27 January 1992
Glen Osmond, South Australia, Australia
Zoologist and Entomologist


Herbert Andrewartha was Entomologist at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute 1935-1954, Reader in Animal Ecology 1954-1962 and then Professor of Zoology 1962-1972 at the University of Adelaide. He was one of Australia's most influential ecologists. Much of his research was on thrips and, with Charles Birch, on the connection between physiology, population levels and environmental factors, particularly weather. Their ideas on population ecology emphasised the role of environmental controls. Andrewartha served terms as President or Chairman of the Royal Society of South Australia, the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia and the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council of South Australia. The H. G. Andrewartha Medal of the Royal Society of South Australia is awarded for outstanding research by early career Australian scientists.


Born 21 December 1907. Died 27 January 1992. Educated University of Western Australia (Bachelor of Agriculture). Assistant Entomologist Australian Department of Agriculture 1929-32, Assistant Research Officer CSIR 1933-35, Entomologist Waite Agricultural Research Institute 1935-54, Reader in Animal Ecology 1954-62 and then Professor of Zoology 1962-72 University of Adelaide. Clarke Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales, Verco Medal , Royal Society of South Australia, Gold Medal, Australian Ecological Society (1987), Fellow, Australian Academy of Science 1961. President, Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, Chairman, National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council of South Australia.


1929 - 1932
Career position - Assistant Entomologist, Australian Department of Agriculture (in Western Australia?)
1933 - 1935
Career position - Assistant Research Officer at CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)
1935 - 1954
Career position - Entomologist, Waite Agricultural Research Institute
Career position - President, Royal Society of South Australia
1954 - 1962
Career position - Reader in Animal Ecology, University of Adelaide
Award - David Syme Research Prize (shared with Charles Birch), University of Melbourne
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - Sir Joseph Verco Medal, Royal Society of South Australia
1962 - 1972
Career position - Professor of Zoology, University of Adelaide
Award - Clarke Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
Life event - Retired
1972 - 1978
Career position - Chairman, National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council of South Australia
Award - Ecological Society of Australia Gold Medal
Award - Eminent Ecologist Award (with Charles Birch), Ecological Society of America

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide

  • Herbert George Andrewartha - Records, 09S.D A56; Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide. Details

Published resources


  • Andrewartha, H. G., 'Biological Research in the University of Adelaide'. in Introducing South Australia (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1954). Details
  • Musgrave, A., Bibliography of Australian entomology, 1775-1930: with biographical notes on authors and collectors (Sydney: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 1932), 380 pp. Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Birch, L.C.; Browning, T. O., 'Herbert George Andrewartha 1907-1992', Historical Records of Australian Science, 9 (3) (1993), 258-268. Details
  • Deveson, E. D., 'The Search for a Solution to Australian Locust Outbreaks: how developments in Ecology and Government Responses Influenced Scientific Research', Historical Records of Australian Science, 22 (1) (2011), 1-31, Details


Resource Sections

Digital resources

Herbert George Andrewartha


Gavan McCarthy [P004098]; Helen Cohn

EOAS ID: biogs/P000018b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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