Published Resources Details

Conference Paper

Stagg, Helen
Russell John Dumas: his work on the River Murray Scheme, 1919-1925
Transactions of the Seventh South Australian Engineering Heritage Conference - Adelaide, 25 May 2018
Engineers Australia, South Australia Division, Adelaide, 2018, pp. 9-16

Russell John Dumas (1887 - 1975) was a 'home-grown' South Australian engineer of exceptional talent and promise. In a 1924 presentation on Murray River lock construction, he claimed that Lock 3, near Overland Corner in South Australia, where he was Resident Engineer, was the first of the larger locks (with lock chamber, navigable pass-way and sluiceway) to be constructed by an Australian engineer. (The Constructing Engineer at Blanchetown's Lock 1 at the start of the ambitious River Murray Waters Scheme had been an American, Robert Cutting.)
This paper gives an insight into Dumas's work on the scheme and shares his personal account of lock-construction. As Resident Engineer at Lock 3, Dumas managed not only the lock and weir construction, but the needs of the small temporary township including provision of amenities such as a school and other facilities.
This paper also touches on accidents and aspects of the life and work of the men and their families, the people involved in the construction of these National Engineering Landmarks, the engineering works of the River Murray.


Related Published resources


  • Transactions of the Seventh South Australian Engineering Heritage Conference - Adelaide, 25 May 2018 edited by Venus, Richard (Adelaide: Engineers Australia, South Australia Division, 2018), 116 pp. Details

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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