Published Resources Details
Journal Article
- Title
- Response to comments made by Professor L Endersbee on the Great Artesian Basin of Australia
- In
- ATSE focus
- Imprint
- vol. 114, Nov/Dec 2000
- 1326-8708
- Abstract
Professor Lance Endersbee has published two papers in ATSE Focus (Focus No.108 of July-August 1999 and Focus No 111 March-April 2000) regarding the operation and management of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). This response primarily focuses on the first of these papers.
While some of the opinions which Professor Endersbee stated in his papers are reasonable and his concern for the wastage in the Basin admirable, some of his assumptions are erroneous and unsupported by factual data. However, the GAB is an extremely large and laterally extensive sedimentary basin with very complex hydrogeological processes operating within it. Perhaps in an attempt to achieve a basic understanding of the GAB by the general populous, the managing authorities have presented too simplistic a view, especially when academics of the stature of Professor Endersbee are in the audience.
Members of the GAB Technical Working Group (GABTWG) in conjunction with groundwater professionals from State agencies and research organisations produced this paper at the request of the Great Artesian Basin Consultative Council. Brief biographies of the authors appear at the end of the article.
Related Published resources
- Endersbee, L. A., 'Author's response to discussions of two papers ... in July-Aug 1999 issue of ATSE Focus', ATSE focus, 114 (2000), 22-28. Details