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Conference Proceedings

Martin, J.H.
Radiation Biology: Proceedings of the Second Australasian Conference on Radiation Biology held at the University of Melbourne, 15-18 December, 1958
Academic Pres Inc., New York, 1959

Digitised version published by the Biodiversity Heritage Library.


From the Forward by F. Macfarlane Burnet:

THis Conference is concerned with the action of ionizing radiation on living cells. Its objectives are purely scientific and, in one sense, it is only indirectly concerned with the human implications of radiobiology.

But in my position, I feel that it is necessary that I should underline those implications. Radiation of the sort we are interested in is perhaps the most two-edged of all weapons. We all know the medical and industrial benefits
of the use of X-rays and natural and artificial radio-active substances. And equally we are aware of the dangers that, in one way or another, are associated with atomic radiation.

I shall say nothing about the value and the problems of radio-therapy for cancer and other diseases, though much of the programme will, of course, be relevant to this field.

But I should like to speak for a few minutes on the problem of assessing the dangers of radiation to human beings.

[and in conclusion he notes:]

I believe we are justified in accepting some empirical rules for action:
1. All ionizing radiation is potentially harmful and the degree of exposure should be reduced to the lowest possible level that is consistent with the fulfilment of acceptable medical, industrial or military needs.
2. Exposure to artificial radiation not greater than the dosage always being received from natural sources is of no significance in comparison with normal hazards of life.
3. The potential benefit of any intelligent medical use of X-rays will far outweigh any risk of radiation damage.
4. The accepted international levels of permitted exposure in nuclear laboratories, etc., form a reasonable basis for action.

It is the task of conferences such as this to provide the background of quantitative knowledge that will allow us eventually to replace these empirical rules with scientifically valid recommendations. Only then are we likely to
escape from the emotionally charged atmosphere of suspicion, controversy and misunderstanding that seems to rise in a stifling cloud whenever radiation hazards become a topic of political discussion.

EOAS ID: bib/ASBS14248.htm

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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