Published Resources Details


Advisory Council of Science and Industry
Report of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry: covering the period from the date of the appointment of the Executive Committee (14th April, 1916) to the 30th June 1917
Commonwealth Government Printer, Melbourne, 1917

Prepared under the Authority of The Right Hon. W.M. Hughes, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister (Chairman of the Advisory Council)


From the Introduction, page 5 (image 8):
1. General. The Advisory Council was originally appointed by order of the Governor-General in Council on the 16th March, 1916. Since that date certain additional appointments have been made, so that the Council now consists of 35 members representative of both Science and Industry, and includes members from all the Australian States. It is a temporary body, designed to prepare the ground for a proposed permanent Institute of Science and Industry, and to exercise in a preliminary way the functions that will in future belong to the Institute. {See Report of the Drafting Committee of the Conference convened by the Prime Minister m January, 191 b.) the chief of these functions are -
"(i) To consider and initiate scientific researches in connexion with, or for the promotion of, primary or secondary industries in the Commonwealth" ; and "(ii) the collection of industrial scientific information and the formation of a Bureau for its dissemination amongst those engaged in industry."

Related Published resources


  • Advisory Council of Science and Industry, Report of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry: for the year ended 30th June 1918 (Melbourne: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1918), 64 pp. Details
  • Lightfoot, Gerald, Memorandum on the organization of scientific research institutions in the United States of America (Melbourne: Government of Australia, 1916), 42 pp. Details

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Published by the Centre for Transformative Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2024 May (Gwangal moronn - Gariwerd calendar)
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