Published Resources Details

Parliamentary paper

Langtree, C. W.
Victorian Water Supply - Second annual general report
Government Printer, Melbourne, 1888, 42 pp

Parliamentary paper 1888 No.83

Report by C. W. Langtree, Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, includes 20 appendices:

Appendix 1: Coliban Scheme : Comparative Statement of Capital Outlay and Revenue Financial Years 1883-4 to 1887-8 Inclusive.

Appendix 2: Goldfields Reservoirs.

Appendix 3: Water Supply Works Carried Out by Local Governing Bodies Out of Loans Advanced by the Government.

Appendix 4: Loans to Corporations (Exclusive of Waterworks Trusts) for Local Waterworks Under "The Local Governing Bodies Loan Act 1872" 36 Vict. No. 448.

Appendix 5: Waterworks Trusts Act No. 946 : Annual Expenditure to 30th June 1888 - Loans.

Appendix 6: Water Supplies to Rural Districts Administered Under the Provisions of "The Water Conservation Act 1887" No. 946.

Appendix 7: Urban Water Supplies Administered Under the Provisions of "The Water Conservation Act 1887," No. 946, and Urban Water Supplies From Goldfields Reservoirs Administered Under the Provisons of the Local Government Act.

Appendix 8: Waterworks Trusts : Grants From Headworks Vote of £100,000, Allotted and Paid Up to 30th June 1888.

Appendix 9: Waterworks Trusts : Statement of Interest Paid and Outstanding Up to the 30th June 1888.

Appendix 10: Irrigation Trusts Appointed Under "The Irrigation Act 1886" No. 898.

Appendix 11: Applications for the Appointment of Irrigation and Water Supply Trusts Under Act No. 898.

Appendix 12: Return of the Various Waterworks in the Colony of Victoria on 31st July 1888 Showing Their Positions, Storage Capacities, Drainage Areas, Length of Aqueducts, Main and Reticulation Pipes, With Cost Thereof.

Appendix 13: Report by James McLuckie (Secretary to the Board of Examiners) on regulations, qualifications, subjects etc. applicable to candidates for the examination leading to a certificate as Engineers of Water Supply

Appendix 14: List of Qualified Engineers of Water Supply Under Irrigation Act 1886.

Appendix 15: Prizes for Best Irrigated Farm : conditions of competition signed Alfred Deakin, Minister of Water Supply.

Appendix 16: Prizes for Best Variety of Irrigated Crops : conditions of competition signed Alfred Deakin, Minister of Water Supply.

Appendix 17: Letter to C. W. Langtree headed "Irrigation at Bacchus Marsh" from Thomas G. Pearce.

Appendix 18: Memorandum from John West, Mooroopna, consisting of a report on irrigation and irrigated agriculture

Appendix 19: Irrigation in the Valley of the Torrens Near Adelaide : extract from a report by the Chief Engineer of Water Supply.

Appendix 20: Report on Mildura Irrigation Colony by Stuart Murray (Chief Engineer of Water Supply)


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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260