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Journal Article

van der Molen, J. L.; Alsop, P. F. B.
Early Reinforced Concrete Structures - a heritage issue
Transactions of Multi-disciplinary Engineering, Australia
Description of Work
Paper presented at the Second Australasian Conference on Engineering Heritage (2000 : Auckland)
vol. 26, Engineers Australia, Barton, Australian Capital Territory, 2002, pp. 81-87

The paper deals with two early reinforced concrete structures in the Geelong area: the Dennys Lascelles wool store and the Barwon sewer aqueduct. It will deal with their concept and construction, and with the pioneers in the design and construction of reinforced concrete in the early 1900s who were involved (Armand Considre and Edward Stone). It will then detail the struggle to save the aqueduct from demolition, it being by then listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Parallels will be drawn with another heritage building of the same period: The Dennys Lascelles wool store, which had a reinforced concrete hog-back truss roof. The strategies employed by owners or developers to obtain permission for demolition of heritage-listed places are highlighted, and countervailing policies are suggested.

EOAS ID: bib/ASBS12585.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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