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Victoria Eugenics Society

File Title
Victoria Eugenics Society
Eugenics Society [SA/EUG]
Wellcome Collection
Date Range
1914 - 1939

A set of 113 imaged pages dating 1914-1915 (Victorian Eugenics Society), 1925-1926 (Office of the Agent-General for Victoria) and 1937-1939 (Eugenics Society of Victoria).

In the 1914-1915 correspondence ( 6 pages) of Carlotta Greenshields (37 Mary Street, Glenferrie) and W. Ernest Jones (Inspector-General of the Insane for Victoria) with the Sybil Gotto of the Eugenics Education Society, it is flagged that an attempt was made to establish an eugenics society in Victoria with Professor Bladwin Spencer as president. The initiative failed due to Bladwin Spencer being already overloaded and the intervention of the World War. Other people mentioned in this correspondence include J.C. Eldridge of Sydney and a Mr Macfie (5 Elm Grove, Armadale).

The 1925-1926 correspondence (2 pages) concerns information about the Marriage Acts in Victoria.

The 1937-1939 correspondence (105 pages) concerns the creation of the Eugenics Society of Victoria in 1936 and its relationship with the Eugenics Society (London). The principle correspondent is Dr Victor Hugo Wallace (Secretary, Eugenics Society of Victoria). Other include: Professor W.E. Agar, Dr C.P. Blacker (General Secretary, The Eugenics Society); Lord Horder; Mrs E.E. Potton; Dr Mennell; Geoffery Kaye (14 Collins Street Melbourne); Colin Clark (Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Queensland); Clinton F. Chance. Includes publications of the Eugenics Society of Victoria including the "Syllabus of Lectures" for 1937, 1938 and 1939 which includes presentations by: Colin Clark; Dr W. Bryden; Dr Reg. S Ellery; Dr V.H. Wallace; Professor W.E. Agar; Dr Fritz Duras; Mrs Angela Booth; Dr P.M. Bachelard, Rev. William Bottomley; Dr C. Farran-Ridge; Dr John Dale; Dr K.S. Cunningham; and Dr Anita Muhl. Included is: "Publication No. 1" of the Eugenics Society of Victoria, 'Voluntary Sterilization for Human Betterment' by Mrs Angela Booth, July 1938; and the Annual Report 1939 which reports on donations and the establishment of a "Consultative Council" and the financial report from C. Mitchell Tovell, Honorary Treasurer. In the letterhead from 1939 the Consultative Council members are: Professor G.S. Browne; Dr K.S. Cunningham; Dr John Dale; Judge Foster; Mr J.D.G. Medley, M.A.; Sir David Rivett; and Dr Georgina Sweet.

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260